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What are some benefits of sensory play?

1. Builds nerve connections in the brain that enable your child to complete more complex learning tasks. 2. Supports language development, cognitive growth, fine and gross motor skills, problem solving skills, and social interaction. 3. Enhances memo

How often do you release new products?

New kit themes go out once of a month to all subscribers! We also release new items for *most* holidays! Keep an eye out on our Instagram @youngwildandfriedman for new releases or join our newsletter!

Where are you located?

The Fac-Doughry is located at 1811 W Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, TX 77043 and open M-F 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. We have local pickup available to our Houston residents, but sadly are not a retail store! Please place your order online before you arrive, an

Local Pickup Orders

We are located at:1811 W Sam Houston Pkwy NHouston, TX 77043Please note that we are not a store front - but a warehouse where our business operates out of. All local pickup orders must be placed before arriving! We are open M-F 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. *We